Gene-targeting technology is creating an explosion in the number of animals
available with single gene mutations that affect the function of the centr
al nervous system. Most gene-targeted mice are produced on a mixed genetic
background of C57BL/6J and substrains of Strain 129. Understanding the beha
vioral characteristics and responses to various drugs of these parental str
ains is vital to interpreting data from gene-targeted mice. We directly com
pared C57BL/6J and Strain 129/SvJ mouse lines on several behavioral paradig
ms and in response to several hypnotic and anesthetic drugs. Compared to St
rain 129/SvJ mice, C57BL/6J animals are more sensitive to the hypnotic effe
cts of midazolam, zolpidem, and propofol, less sensitive to etomidate and e
thanol, and do not differ in sensitivity to Ro15-4513 or pentobarbital. The
se strains do not differ in their sensitivity to the motor ataxic effects o
f the volatile anesthetics enflurane or halothane. However, Strain 129/SvJs
are more sensitive to the immobilizing effects of halothane but not enflur
ane. Motor coordination differs initially, but with repeated testing strain
differences are no longer apparent. Strain 129/SvJ mite are more anxious o
n the elevated plus maze and open-field activity assays. Thus, these mouse
strains harbor polymorphisms that influence some, but not all, traits of in
terest to behavioral neuroscientists. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.