The history of polarized neutrons in Grenoble starts with reactor Melusine
where a lifting counter diffractometer was constructed to measure spin dens
ities and form factors. When the Institut Laue Langevin began to operate, t
he instruments of the first generation included only one multipurpose tripl
e-axis spectrometer for polarization analysis, spin densities and form fact
or measurements. Soon the construction of the spin echo started and two oth
er dedicated polarized neutron instruments were added: one for spin densiti
es and one for diffuse scattering. Polarization analysis progressed from on
e-directional to three-directional and later was generalized to three-dimen
sional. The advance of polarizing devices such as monochromators, mirrors,
supermirrors, and polarizing filters is also discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier S
cience B.V. All rights reserved.