We discuss the three-body decays (t) over tilde(1)-->W(+)b<(chi)over tilde>
(0)(1), (t) over tilde(1)-->H(+)b<(chi)over tilde>(0)(1), (t) over tilde(1)
-->b (l) over tilde(i)(+)nu(l), and (t) over tilde(1)-->b<(nu)over tilde>(l
)l(+) (l = e,mu,tau) of the lighter top squark (t) over tilde(1) within the
minimal supersymmetric standard model. We give the complete analytical for
mulas for the decay widths and present a numerical study in view of an upgr
aded Fermilab Tevatron, the CERN LHC, and a future lepton collider demonstr
ating the importance of these decay modes. [S0556-2821(99)05809-9].