Ribosomal DNA sequences were employed to infer relationships among European
Pottiaceae. Intragenic spacer I was sequenced for six Trichostomoideae (Eu
cladium verticillatum, Pleurochaete squarrosa, Tortella flavovirens, T. nit
ida, T. tortuosa, Trichostomum brachydontium) and seven taxa from the other
European subfamilies included in Pottiaceae (Bryoerythrophyllum recurviros
trum, Didymodon vinealis, Microbryum starkeanum, Tortula muralis, Syntrichi
a ruralis, Weissia controversa and Timmiella cf. barbuloides). Cladistic an
alysis of sequence data shows close relationships between Pleuvochaete, Tor
tella and Weissia. Tortella appears to be paraphyletic, as it includes Pleu
rochaete, Weissia and Trichostomum. Weissia, therefore, seems to be better
placed in Trichostomoideae than, as traditionally done, in Pottioideae. Nei
ther Merceyoideae nor Pottioideae appear to be monophyletic sensu stricto,
at least within the limits of the taxa in analysis. Within the latter subfa
mily, Syntrichia is clearly separated from Tortula. These results would sug
gest that taxonomy in Pottiaceae does not depict the pattern of descent, an
d therefore is in need of revision.