We explore predictions from three sociological models linking excess Irish
mortality in England and Wales with urban and regional patterns of settleme
nt and mortality.
The analysis is prospective, of urban residents aged 25-74 in a 1 per cent
sample of the 1971 Census of England and Wales, linked with death certifica
tes from 1971-1985 (the ONS Longitudinal Study). Analysis is by multilevel
modelling of probabilities of death.
The association of past Irish immigration with contemporary regional mortal
ity is confirmed. However Model 1, suggesting that excess Irish mortality i
s solely a regional effect related to the economic history of the north and
west, is rejected. Model 2, suggesting that excess Irish mortality is due
to political and religious differences which have tended to disadvantage th
is group similarly across regions of England and Wales, is supported. Model
3, suggesting that the economic model (1) and cultural model (2) interact,
creating sharper political and religious divisions and greater excess Iris
h mortality in the north and west, is rejected.