Titanium tetrachloride usually obtained through high temperature chlorinati
on of titanium dioxide is used as the raw material for the production of ti
tanium sponge by the commercial processes of Kroll and Hunter. An alternate
method for the production of titanium sponge has been tried. It is essenti
ally an electrochemical dissolution of titanium dioxide-carbon composite an
odes and deposition of titanium metal particles over a molten aluminium cat
hode. This electrolytic route is relatively inexpensive and reduces hazards
due to metal chloride evolution and energy consumption. Present study invo
lves preparation and characterization of titanium dioxide-carbon composite
anodes and electrolyzing them in molten equimolar NaCl-KCl. Anodic current
efficiency of the dissolution of the anodes around 90% and cathodic deposit
ion efficiency, by chemical analysis, around 20% are reported.