Researchers are often interested in analyzing data that arise from a longit
udinal or clustered design. Although there are a variety of standard likeli
hood-based approaches to analysis when the outcome variables are approximat
ely multivariate normal, models for discrete-type outcomes generally requir
e a different approach. Liang and Zeger formalized an approach to this prob
lem using generalized estimating equations (GEEs) to extend generalized lin
ear models (GLMs) to a regression setting with correlated observations with
in subjects. Tn this article, we briefly review GLM, the GEE methodology, i
ntroduce some examples, and compare the GEE implementations of several gene
ral purpose statistical packages (SAS, Stata, SUDAAN, and S-Plus). We focus
on the user interface, accuracy, and completeness of implementations of th
is methodology.