Aims-To examine whether hyperphagia is a clinically significant problem in
infants born to women receiving methadone maintenance.
Methods-The volume of feeds, changes in infant body weight, as well as occu
rrence of adverse clinical effects in infants withdrawing from methadone we
re studied during the first month of life. A retrospective chart review was
conducted for all infants at San Francisco General between 1992 and 1995,
born to women receiving methadone maintenance during their pregnancy. Forty
four infants were identified and the data obtained from hospital medical r
ecords. The daily oral intake of these infants was recorded during the firs
t month of life. The incidence of hyperphagia (oral intake > 190 cc/kg/day)
was measured. Associations between infant oral intake and maternal methado
ne dose were studied using correlation analysis as well as Anova for repeat
ed measures. Adverse clinical symptoms were also recorded. A subset of prem
ature infants was studied separately.
Results-The incidence of hyperphagia was 26% by day 8 and 56% by day 16 of
life in the infants. Hyperphagia was not associated with maternal methadone
dose or with infant withdrawal scores. Infants who were hyperphagic lost s
ignificantly more weight during the first week of life than those who were
not. Despite significantly greater intake, the hyperphagic infants did not
gain weight more rapidly during the first month of life compared with those
infants with lower oral intake. Infants who were hyperphagic (maximum inta
ke of 290 cc/kg/day) did not experience increased vomiting, aspiration, dia
rrhoea, or abdominal distention.
Conclusions-Hyperphagia is commonly found in infants withdrawing from metha
done and can be persistent in a significant number. Hyperphagia was not ass
ociated with either increased neonatal weight gain or with adverse gastroin
testinal consequences. Hyperphagia may occur in infants withdrawing from me
thadone who have high metabolic demands due to clinical signs not controlle
d by opiate treatment.