We have previously shown that a combination of the cytokines interleukin (I
L)-1, IL-11, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), and glial cell line-derived
neurotrophic factor (GDNF) can convert rat fetal (E14.5) mesencephalic prog
enitor cells into tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in
vitro. The experiments described here characterize the mesencephalic progen
itor cells and their cytokine-induced conversion into dopamine (DA) neurons
. For all experiments, we used bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)ir cultures of (E14.
5) mesencephalic progenitor cells that had been expanded at least 21 days.
We first demonstrated that IL-1 induced DA neuron conversion in mesencephal
ic progenitors, but not in striatal progenitors (P<0.001). Thus, these cell
s should be classified as lineage-restricted progenitors, and not omnipoten
t stem cells. To further characterize cell populations in these cultures, w
e used monoclonal antibodies against Hu tan early marker for neurons), grow
th-associated protein (GAP)-43 (a marker far neuronal process extension), T
H (a marker for DA neurons), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, a m
arker for astrocytes). We assessed (E14.5) mesencephalic progenitor cell cu
ltures (plated at 125,000 cells/cm(2)) incubated in the cytokine mixture (d
escribed above) or in complete media (CM, negative control). Following 7 da
ys incubation, GFAP-positive cells formed a nearly confluent carpet in both
types of cultures. However, numbers of Hu-ir and GAP-43-ir cells in the cy
tokine-incubated cultures far exceeded those in CM-incubated controls (P=0.
0003, P=0.0001, respectively), while numbers of TH-ir cells were 58-fold gr
eater in the cytokine-incubated cultures versus CM-incubated controls. The
TH phenotype persisted for 7 days following withdrawal of the differentiati
on media. Numerous double-labeled cells that were BrdU-ir and also TH-ir, o
r Hu-ir and also TH-ir, were observed in the cytokine-incubated cultures. T
hese data suggest that cytokines "drive" the conversion of progenitor cells
into DA neurons.