Apoptosis eliminates inappropriate or autoreactive T lymphocytes during thy
mic development. Intracellular mediators involved in T-cell receptor (TCR)-
mediated apoptosis in developing thymocytes during negative selection are t
herefore of great interest. Caspases, cysteine proteases that mediate matur
e T-cell apoptosis, have been implicated in thymocyte cell death, but their
regulation is not understood. We examined caspase activities in distinct t
hymocyte subpopulations that represent different stages of T-cell developme
nt. We found caspase activity in CD4(+)CD8(+) double positive (DP) thymocyt
es, where selection involving apoptosis occurs. Earlier and later thymocyte
stages exhibited no caspase activity. Only certain caspases, such as caspa
se-3 and caspase-8-like proteases, but not caspase-1, are active in DP thym
ocytes in vivo and can be activated when DP thymocytes are induced to under
go apoptosis in vitro by TCR-crosslinking. Thus, specific caspases appear t
o be developmentally regulated in thymocytes.