We present a family with five members affected by Type 1 autoimmune po
lyendocrinopathy. All patients had chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis a
nd dental abnormalities, Four patients had ocular abnormalities, four
had hypoparathyroidism, and three had Addison's disease. The family wa
s unusual in that all four affected females had premature ovarian fail
ure. The ocular abnormalities included two patients with subcapsular l
ens opacities, one patient with asymptomatic corneal opacities, and on
e patient with severe bilateral iridocyclitis with cataract formation,
One patient had pernicious anaemia and one had insulin dependent diab
etes mellitus, All patients were negative on repeated occasions for or
gan specific and non-organ specific autoantibodies. Lymphocyte studies
were performed in four patients. A deficiency of T suppressor cells w
as found in three and low normal levels were present in the fourth sug
gesting that the syndrome may be due to a defect in suppressor T cells