Repeated exposure of adult female Wistar rats to 3-methylcholanthrene
(MC) (25 mg kg(-1) b.w., i.p., 2xwk, 1 mo) was associated with a signi
ficant increase in estrus cycle length. In addition, an increased freq
uency of females with constant diestrus and abnormal cycles was observ
ed. Young females which had been exposed to MC prepubertally or whose
parents had been treated with MC before and during mating also demonst
rated cycle prolongation and an increased incidence of constant diestr
us and abnormal cycles, These changes in female reproductive function
were not associated with measurable changes in plasma sex hormone leve
ls. In contrast, MC exposure in adult males was associated with signif
icant reductions in circulating plasma testosterone levels, The presen
t data also suggest that the offspring of parents who had been exposed
repeatedly to MC before and during mating are also affected. Although
the central nervous system in offspring of MC-treated parents appeare
d to be intact, their oral body temperature was significantly lower. (
C) 1997 The Italian Pharmacological Society.