Great Plains toads (Bufo cognatus), plains spadefoots (Spea bombifrons), an
d New Mexico spadefoots (S. multiplicata) commonly breed in playa wetlands
on the Southern High Plains of northwest Texas and eastern New Mexico. Grea
t Plains toads (n = 129) consumed 43 invertebrate taxa, plains spadefoots (
n = 24) consumed 12 invertebrate taxa, and New Mexico spadefoots (n = 38) c
onsumed 20 invertebrate taxa during 1995 and 1996. Diet overlap was greates
t between Great Plains toads and New Mexico spadefoots during 1995. Carabid
s were the most commonly consumed food item by all species during 1995 and
1996. Conservation of anurans that use playas should focus on playas that a
re surrounded by terrestrial grassland habitats that provide foraging sites
for breeding anurans.