We have developed and characterized cultures of healthy and dystrophic cani
ne myoblasts for the evaluation of various gene transfer protocols. The num
ber of desmin-positive myoblasts was elevated (>80%) in cultures of myoblas
ts obtained from different muscle territories, the diaphragm muscle giving
rise to the purest cultures. Myoblasts from dogs turned out to be a very co
nvenient source of well transfectable and transducible cells. Transfection
with plasmid DNA allowed efficient transgene expression (50% of beta-galact
osidase positive cells and about 375 ng luciferase/mg protein after transfe
ction with a calcium phosphate-precipitated plasmid). Infection with high c
oncentrations of adenoviral and retroviral vectors allowed transgene (beta-
galactosidase or mini-dystrophin) detection in about 75 to 90% of the canin
e cells. Therefore, primary dog myoblast cultures represent a useful in vit
ro model for viral and non-viral gene delivery, as well as for functional e
valuation and cell grafting with applications in genetic diseases, vaccinat
ion or production of circulating therapeutic proteins.