This review assesses the contribution of occupational asbestos exposure to
the occurrence of mesothelioma and lung cancer in Europe. Available informa
tion on national asbestos consumption, proportions of the population expose
d, and exposure levels is summarized. Population-based studies from various
European regions on occupational asbestos exposure, mesothelioma, and lung
cancer are reviewed. Asbestos consumption in 1994 ranged, per capita, betw
een 0.004 kg in northern Europe and 2.4 kg in the former Soviet Union. Popu
lation surveys from northern Europe indicate that 15 to 30% of the male lan
d a few percent of the female) population has ever had occupational exposur
e to asbestos, mainly in construction (75% in Finland) or in shipyards. Stu
dies on mesothelioma combining occupational history with biologic exposure
indices indicate occupational asbestos exposure in 62 to 85% of the cases.
Population attributable risks for lung cancer among males range between 2 a
nd 50% for definite asbestos exposure. After exclusion of the most extreme
values because of methodologic aspects, most of the remaining estimates are
within the range of 10 to 20%. Estimates of women are lower. Extrapolation
of the results to national figures would decrease the estimates. Norwegian
estimates indicate that one-third of expected asbestos-related lung cancer
s might be avoided if former asbestos workers quit smoking. The combination
of a current high asbestos consumption per capita, high exposure levels, a
nd high underlying lung cancer rates in Central Europe and the former Sovie
t Union suggests that the lung cancers will arise from the smoking-asbestos
interaction should be a major concern.