So far, interpretations of postglacial rebound have usually been based on t
he assumption of laterally homogeneous earth models. However, in view of th
e increasing evidence of the 3-D structure of the Earth's mantle, several s
tudies on the effects of lateral variations of the viscosity on postglacial
rebound have been completed during the last decade. In the present study,
we consider load-induced viscoelastic and viscous perturbations of incompre
ssible and vertically homogeneous flat earth models with lateral variations
of the shear modulus and viscosity. The solution is obtained using a pertu
rbation method and given in analytical form. Our results show that sinusoid
al variations of the parameters of less than one order of magnitude can mod
ify the vertical surface displacement associated with a model of the Fennos
candian ice sheet by several tens of metres. The modifications increase app
roximately in proportion to the amplitude of the lateral variations. The ov
erall increase of the modifications with increasing wavelength is complicat
ed in detail and also results in changes of the spatial and temporal distri
butions of the vertical surface displacement.