Progesterone is the natural progestagen produced by the corpus luteum durin
g the luteal phase. It is absorbed when administered orally, but is greater
than 90% metabolized during the first hepatic pass. This greatly limits th
e efficacy of once-daily administration and also results in unphysiological
ly high levels of progesterone metabolites, particularly those reduced at t
he 5-a position. These metabolites can cause dizziness and drowsiness to th
e point of preventing the operation of a motor vehicle. Synthetic progestin
s, such as medroxyprogesterone acetate and norethindrone acetate (NETA), ha
ve been specifically designed to resist enzymatic degradation and remain ac
tive after oral administration. However, these compounds exert undesirable
effects on the Liver and often cause severe psychological side effects. The
permeability of the skin does not allow for administration of progesterone
in the quantities normally produced by the corpus luteum, i.e., up to 25 m
g/day during the mid-luteal phase. To avoid this problem, synthetic progest
ins such as NETA have been administered transdermally. These compounds, tho
ugh, just like synthetic estrogens administered non-orally, retain undesira
ble hepatic effects even when administered transdermally.
Transvaginal administration of progesterone is a practical non-oral route a
vailable for administering progesterone. Early experience was gained with v
aginal suppositories, which lack manufacturing controls. Recently, a new pr
ogesterone gel formulation has been designed for vaginal use. The clinical
acceptability of this product has been enhanced by the bioadhesive characte
ristics of its polycarbophil-based gel, which conveys controlled and sustai
ned-released properties. Investigations have shown that because of local di
rect vagina-to-uterus transport, which results in a preferential uterine up
take of progesterone, this formulation given in conjunction with physiologi
cal amounts of estradiol produces endometrial changes similar to those seen
in the luteal phase, despite plasma progesterone levels that remain subphy
siologic. Studies in infertility show that vaginal progesterone in this for
m allows secretory transformation of the endometrium and the development of
pregnancy despite providing low systemic progesterone concentrations. Fewe
r side effects occur when used for hormone replacement than typically encou
ntered with progestins and oral progesterone. Uses in patients with inferti
lity and hypoestrogenism and secondary amenorrhea are reviewed.