Background This study was planned to show the effect of retroperfusion and
cardiopulmonary bypass on myocardial hemodynamic recovery.
Methods, Eighteen dogs entered this study, After, left anterior descending
artery (LAD) was dissected and occluded, the animals were divided into thre
e equal groups; Group I: retrograde coronary sinus perfusion, group II: car
diopulmonary bypass and retrograde coronary sinus perfusion, Group III: con
trol group, left anterior descending artery occlusion only,
Results. In Group III, deterioration of the hemodynamic values progressed p
arallel with the degree of ischemic damage but in Group I, hemodynamic para
meters were better because of the retrograde coronary sinus perfusion and m
inimally affected by the reperfusion, In Group II, at the end of the cardio
pulmonary bypass minimal myocardial damage was observed.
Conclusions. There is no statistical difference between Group I and II if w
e examine the data that was taken after reperfusion although myocardial per
formance was better in Group II.