In the field of gut endocrinomas (carcinoids and relevant neoplasms), sever
al classifications have been internationally accepted and utilized at varyi
ng frequency. The basis of the concepts regarding gut endocrinomas from whi
ch these classifications have been proposed were drawn from the different a
spects. These included embryology, histologic growth patterns, histochemist
ry including silver impregnations, electron microscopic morphology of endoc
rine secretory granules, endocrine cell types and histologic morphology alo
ng with functional characteristics, supplemented by immunohistochemical fea
tures. Due to continuous progress being made in this particular field of re
search and the many new discoveries made by pioneering investigators, the c
oncepts of gut endocrinomas have been modified and revised during such long
history of the research activities.
This study aims to re-evaluate these classifications in relation to the con
cepts of gut endocrinomas, and to select and supply rearranged classificati
ons that may be easily utilized for practical purposes. This study also pro
poses a comprehensive overview of histogenesis in the gut endocrinoma group
. This consists of typical carcinoids and their atypical variants taken in
relation to the carcinomatous group including ordinary carcinomas and their
variants with endocrine elements. Special emphasis is given to the point t
hat there is a gradual transition, one without a definite boundary between
these tumors.