Four studies (each with N = 30) using a manual Ganzfeld are reported here.
The studies incorporated measures of belief, personality, cognitive functio
n, and target variables, all of which had been hypothesized to relate to th
e occurrence of psi in the ganzfeld. A nonauditory monitored series gave a
20% hit rate, but the three subsequent auditory-monitored studies gave a co
mbined hit rate of 40%. Participants reporting subjective paranormal experi
ences (recruited from New Age groups and via an advertisement for those hav
ing paranormal experiences) scored at a much higher rate than psychology st
udents. The repeaters (who came back for a second session) also did well. F
urther analysis found psi-hitting to relate to scores on the Sheep-Goat Sca
le and to scores on both subscales of the Magical Ideation Scale. Whereas D
efense Mechanism Test scores failed to relate significantly to psi scores,
"Feeling" as a personality type on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator did. A t
arget factor of "change in emotional tone" was also found to relate signifi
cantly to psi-hitting. Knowledge of these contingencies may help to explain
the varying success of ganzfeld replications.(1)