Forage nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) concentrations and in-vitro dry-mat
ter digestibility (IVDMD) were measured in 2 important riparian species the
year following short-term, high-intensity cattle grazing treatments in a m
ontane riparian ecosystem in northcentral Colorado. Current year's growth o
f water sedge (Carex aquatilus Wahlenb.) and planeleaf willow (Salix planif
olia Pursh.) was collected monthly from May to September 1996. The effects
of grazing and season of grazing in 1995 on forage quality the following gr
owing season was determined. Season of grazing (i.e., late-spring, early-su
mmer, late-summer, and fall) the previous year did not differentially affec
t forage quality in either species. However, grazing by cattle the previous
year did increase forage quality of water sedge as compared with plants th
at were not previously grazed. Grazed water sedge plants had higher concent
rations of N and P and greater IVDMD than ungrazed controls. Nitrogen and P
concentrations of browsed planeleaf willow were not different from control
s, but current year's growth collected in the fall from previously browsed
plants was 11% more digestible than current year's growth from non-browsed
willow. The 2 species responded uniquely to cattle use, which suggested tha
t these 2 life forms differ in response to herbivory. This study supported
the hypothesis that grazing by cattle would improve forage quality in a rip
arian ecosystem, although results varied with life form.