Compost centers are one of many environments that produce airborne microorg
anisms. The objective of this study was to compare the bacterial, fungal, a
nd actinomycete concentrations at the Norman, OK, compost center to backgro
und concentration of these same microorganisms. For this comparison, a modi
fied Andersen Microbial Sampler was used. Sampling was performed at three s
ites at the outdoor compost center and at two background sites. The concent
ration of each microorganism was measured as total colony forming units per
cubic meter (CFU/m(3)). The predominantly downwind compost center site had
a 10-fold increase in all the microorganisms in comparison with the other
sites (p < 0.05). The median concentrations (95% confidence interval) of to
tal viable bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes at th
is site were 5059 (CI95 = 4952-9600) CFU/m(3), 2023 (CI95 = 2586-6806) CFU/
m(3), 972 (CI95 = 964-1943) CFU/m(3), and 2159 (CI95 = 1755-4190) CFU/m(3),