Objective: Describe a clinical syndrome of laryngeal hypersensitivity follo
wing laryngeal nerve injury. Study Design: Retrospective review of six pati
ents with laryngeal paralysis sustained during neck surgery who presented w
ith paroxysms of coughing and strider, progressing to brief episodes of com
plete airway occlusion, Methods: Chart review. Results: Superior laryngeal
nerve blockade temporarily improved symptoms in four of five patients. Botu
linum toxin relieved spasm in two of three patients and reduced symptoms in
the third. Symptoms gradually diminished or resolved in four patients from
1 to 2.5 years later. One patient underwent arytenoidectomy and one patien
t has a tracheostomy, Conclusions: patients with laryngeal injury may prese
nt with strider and acute airway obstruction secondary to paroxysmal laryng
ospasm. The authors have found that superior laryngeal nerve blockade or bo
tulinum toxin may be effective in temporary relief of symptoms.