Atmospheric warming from cloud heating has a major affect on worldwide atmo
spheric circulations and climate. Studies have shown that the dominant sour
ce for cloud heating is the phase change of water. The location and magnitu
de of cloud beating has a substantial impact on atmospheric circulations. T
herefore, identifying the location of phase changes provides information ne
cessary for accurate modeling of atmospheric circulations and climate.
Radar reflectivity is a signature predominantly produced from rain formed f
rom condensation, the primary process that produces heating. Through the ap
plication of principal component analysis on a nonhydrostatic cloud model,
heating, and derived reflectivity data, a technique to illustrate a future
heating algorithm capable of estimating cloud heating from reflectivity dat
a is examined. Formative, intensifying, and mature stages of a Convection a
nd Precipitation Electrification Experiment squall-type convective system w
ere used to demonstrate these results. The accuracy of the technique's esti
mates for the mean convective and stratiform profiles to within 1.0 K h(-1)
on average throughout the vertical column shows the merit of this statisti
cal technique. The use of this type of technique in conjunction with the ne
twork of NEXRAD and spaceborne radars could provide valuable data for appli
cations ranging from cumulus parameterization to 4D data assimilation and m
odel initialization.