Transition-metal carbides and nitrides are hard materials widely used for c
utting tools and wear-resistant coatings. Their hardness is not yet underst
ood at a fundamental level, A clue may lie in the puzzling fact that transi
tion-metal carbonitrides that have the rock-salt structure (such as TiCxN1-
x) have the greatest hardness for a valence-electron concentration of about
8.4 per cell(1-3), which suggests that the hardness may be determined more
by the nature of the bonding than by the conventional microstructural feat
ures that determine the hardness of structural metals and alloys. To invest
igate this possibility, we have evaluated the shear modulus of various tran
sition-metal carbides and nitrides using nb initio pseudopotential calculat
ions. Our results show that the behaviour of these materials can be underst
ood on a fundamental level in terms of their electronic band structure. The
unusual hardness originates from a particular band of sigma bonding states
between the non-metal p orbitals and the metal d orbitals that strongly re
sists shearing strain or shape change. Filling of these states is completed
at a valence-electron concentration of about 8.4, and any additional elect
rons would go into a higher band which is unstable against shear deformatio