Obesity is now a major public health problem in both developed and developi
ng countries. In the UK over 16% men and 17.5% women are obese, an increase
of more than 100% since 1980. However, interventions to prevent and treat
obesity are hampered by an inadequate understanding of the aetiology of thi
s condition. The present paper considers the current state of knowledge reg
arding the causes of obesity, including some of the genetic, metabolic, beh
avioural and environmental factors which influence energy balance. The pres
ent paper comprises The Nutrition Society Medal Lecture and focuses in part
icular on the research carried out at the MRC Dunn Nutrition Centre in Camb
ridge. It argues that despite decades of intensive research there is relati
vely little evidence of genetic or metabolic defects to explain the majorit
y of cases of human obesity. Instead we must look to behavioural and/or env
ironmental factors which may be underpinnings the current epidemic of obesi