The mobilization of protein and phytin was studied in aleurone grains of th
e endosperm of germinating castor beans (Ricinus communis L.). Differential
staining of protein and phytin zones of aleurone grains indicated that mob
ilization of phytin preceded that of proteins. Biochemical assays demonstra
ted that, after 64 h of seed imbibition, phytin content decreased by 14%, a
nd, after six days, phytin was digested by 87%. This process was correlated
with increasing phytase activity. At the same time, phytin content increas
ed in cotyledons and axial organs. The breakdown of storage proteins began
after radicle emergence. The activities of two proteolytic enzymes accelera
ted after three and five days of germination, respectively, in correlation
with the degradation of storage proteins and conversion of aleurone grains
into aleurone vacuoles by the third day. We concluded that the mobilization
of phytin and protein in the endosperm preceded the mobilization of storag
e lipids, and this determined the composition of metabolites flowing from t
he endosperm to the seedling.