Background: Vitamin C is an important endogenous antioxidant, and epidemiol
ogic evidence suggests that it may protect against the development of gastr
ic cancer. We therefore determined mucosal vitamin-C levels in the stomach
and duodenum of subjects with and without Helicobacter pylori infection. Me
thods: The patients were 30 subjects undergoing routine gastroscopy for inv
estigation of dyspepsia. Highperformance liquid chromatography with electro
chemical detection was used to determine mucosal ascorbic acid and total vi
tamin-C levels. Results: In H, pylori-negative subjects with normal gastrod
uodenal histology the antrum contained significantly higher levels of ascor
bic acid and total vitamin C than the corpus or duodenum (P < 0.05). No sig
nificant changes were seen in gastric mucosal ascorbic acid or total vitami
n-C levels in the presence of H. pylori infection and related inflammation.
The presence of gastric atrophy did not affect mucosal ascorbic acid or to
tal vitamin C levels. Duodenal ascorbic acid and total vitamin-C levels did
not change significantly in the presence of gastric H. pylori or duodenal
inflammation Conclusions: Although high levels of vitamin C are present in
the gastroduodenal mucosa, these are not altered in the presence of H. pylo
ri infection and inflammation. These observations suggest that the mucosal
antioxidant potential of vitamin C is not impaired by H. pylori infection.