Misselected CD8 cells that express T cell receptors (TCRs) that do not reco
gnize class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein can emerge fro
m thymic selection. A postthymic quality control mechanism that purges thes
e cells from the repertoire is defined here. The failure of mature CD8 cell
s to simultaneously engage their TCR and CD8 coreceptor triggers an activat
ion process that begins with inhibition of CD8 gene expression through reme
thylation and concludes with up-regulation of surface Fas and pas Ligand an
d cellular apoptosis. Thus, inhibition of a death signal through continued
TCR-CD8 coengagement of MHC molecules is a key checkpoint for the continued
survival of correctly selected T cells. Molecular defects that prevent del
ivery of the death signal to mistakenly selected T cells underlie the expan
sion of double-negative T cells, which is the cellular signature of a subse
t of systemic autoimmune diseases.