Model experiments on laboratory animals (guinea pigs) were carried out to t
est the possible allergy reaction (possibility or sensitization) to the rep
eated administration of an experimental lipoid adjuvant (ELA) prepared on t
he basis of isopropylpalmitate. No significant differences were observed be
tween the animals senzitized-provoked with ELA and the control animals. In
older to evaluate the local tissue reactivity (local reactogenicity), also
with regard to the process dynamics, to the administration of ELA and to ca
rry out comparisons with other types of lipoid adjuvants, as well as alumin
ium hydroxide, comparative patho-anatomical and patho-histological examinat
ions of tissues were carried out in the location of adjuvant administration
. The examinations indicated very low local reactogenicity of the experimen
tal lipoid adjuvant prepared in our laboratory.