Recognizing and treating pain should be among the foremost concerns of ever
y health care team. A prerequisite to adequate pain control is evaluation o
f the pain and of the efficacy of treatments used. Pain can be difficult to
recognize in intubated patients on artificial ventilation. a number of sca
les to be used by the patient or an observer are available, although none a
re specifically designed for intensive care patients. self-evaluation of pa
in is dificult in intensive care patients but remains the method of choice.
Treatment should be selected and adjusted based on the type and severity o
f the pain. Drugs and nondrug treatments should be used in conjunction. Nar
cotics and acetominophen (paracetamol) are the most widely used analgesics.
A special place should be reserved for topical local anesthetics to be app
lied to the skin and for locoregional anesthesia.