Background: During an international workshop held in September 1998, a grou
p of specialists in the field of ovarian cancer reached consensus on a numb
er of issues with implications for standard practice and for research of ad
vanced epithelial ovarian cancer.
Methods: Five groups of experts considered several issues which included: b
iologic factors, prognostic factors, surgery, initial chemotherapy, second-
line treatment, the use of CA 125, investigational drugs, intra-peritoneal
treatment and high-dose chemotherapy. The group attempted to arrive at answ
ers to questions such as: Are there prognostic factors, which help to ident
ify patients who will not do well with current therapy? What is the current
best therapy for advanced ovarian carcinoma? What directions should resear
ch take in advanced ovarian cancer? These issues were discussed in a plenar
y meeting.
Results: One of the major conclusions drawn by the consensus committee was
that in previously untreated advanced ovarian cancer, cisplatin plus paclit
axel has been shown to be superior to previous standard therapy with cispla
tin plus cyclophosphamide (level I evidence). However, for many patients, c
arboplatin plus paclitaxel is a reasonable alternative because of toxicity
and convenience considerations. Most participants felt that the benefits in
terms of toxicity for the paclitaxel-carboplatin are such that its widespr
ead adoption at this stage is justified. Until mature survival data are ava
ilable a minority of investigators would recommend continued use of cisplat
in plus paclitaxel, specifically for those patients with advanced disease w
ith the best prognostic characteristics.
For future clinical research in this area, new end points for randomised cl
inical trials, together with a new Trials Network, are proposed.