Cysts of the thoracic duct are rare. We report a case of a cervical thoraci
c duct cyst and review 29 thoracic duct cysts reported previously (19 media
stinal, 9 cervical, and 1 abdominal). The mean age of the patients was 47.6
years (range 17 to 86 years). Fourteen (46.7%) of the patients were asympt
omatic. When symptoms were present, they ranged from retrosternal pain, dys
phagia, and dyspnea to respiratory insufficiency and superior vena cava com
pression. Diagnosis of the cyst can be made after computed tomography or ul
trasonography. The cystic fluid contains T lymphocytes and triglycerides in
excess. The symptoms in a patient with a thoracic duct cyst are related to
compression of adjacent structures. The most profound symptoms are likely
to be produced by mediastinal cysts above the aortic arch. Treatment consis
ts of surgical removal of the cyst and ligation of all lymphatics connected
to the cyst.