Prostate cancer has become the most frequently occurring cancer and the sec
ond leading cause of cancer deaths in men. One novel approach to combat pro
state cancer is gene therapy. A replication-deficient recombinant adenovira
l vector (AdRSVlacZ) expressing bacterial beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) (la
cZ) under the control of the Rous sarcoma virus promoter was used to determ
ine which delivery route was best for the transduction of adenoviral vector
s to the prostate. Using a canine model, adenoviral vectors were administer
ed by intravenous, intra-arterial, and intraprostatic (i.p.) injections. Af
ter injections, the expression of the lacZ gene was measured in canine pros
tates as well as in various other organs to determine the distribution of t
he disseminated adenoviral vector by (a) the percentage of cells expressing
lacZ in situ (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-galactoside staining), (b)
beta-gal enzymatic activity (colorimetric beta-gal assay), and (c) polymer
ase chain reaction of genomic DNA using primers specific for the adenoviral
genome. An i.p. injection of the adenoviral vector resulted in a greater t
ransduction rate and expression level of lacZ in the prostate than either i
ntravenous or intra-arterial (inferior vesical/prostatic artery) injections
. Thus, an i.p. (or intratumoral) injection seems to be the best route to t
reat local regional prostate cancer by viral-based gene therapy.