Background: In general practice settings, the proportion of adult asthma at
tributable to occupational factors is not known,
Objective: The goal of this study was to estimate the proportion of adult a
sthma cases that can be attributed to occupational factors initiating new d
isease onset and exacerbating preexisting disease,
Methods: We pet-formed a cross-sectional analysis of interview data for 150
adults with asthma recruited from a random sample of family practice speci
alists. We ascertained the asthma and work histories of the subjects and es
timated the proportion with likely work-initiated asthma and work-related a
sthma recrudescence.
Results: Seventy-four subjects (49%) reported adult-onset asthma while empl
oyed; an additional 25 (17%) reported recrudescence of previously quiescent
childhood-onset asthma during employment. Of those with new-onset asthma w
hile employed, 15 (10% of the study group; 95% confidence interval, 5 to 15
%) were employed in occupations at increased risk of occupational asthma in
itiation on the basis of an independent job scoring matrix, Of those with a
sthma recrudescence in adulthood, seven (5% of the study group; 95% confide
nce interval, 2 to 8%) were employed in occupations at increased risk of ex
posures aggravating asthma,
Conclusions: Among adults with asthma treated in general practice settings,
> 1 in 10 patients has a work history strongly suggestive of a potential r
elationship between exposure and disease.