Background: Terbinafine is an orally active antifungal used in the treatmen
t of dermatophytoses. To date, studies evaluating the effect of terbinafine
on the cytochromes P450 have failed to show any significant interactions.
This prospective open-label study was designed to confirm our previous find
ing that terbinafine may inhibit CYP2D6,
Methods: Nine healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study-6 genotypicall
y consistent with an extensive metabolizer phenotype and 3 genotypic poor m
etabolizers for CYP2D6. The change in CYP2D6 enzyme activity before (x 3) a
nd after (monthly x 6 months) administration of terbinafine (250 mg once da
ily x 14 days) was evaluated with the dextromethorphan to dextrorphan urina
ry metabolite ratios. On each study day a predose urine sample was collecte
d, 0.3 mg/kg dextromethorphan was administered, and urine was collected for
24 hours, Dextromethorphan and its metabolites were quantified from urine
by HPLC.
Results: Baseline phenotype values were concordant with individual genotype
. In all extensive metabolizers, the administration of terbinafine resulted
in a dramatic increase in the dextromethorphan/dextrorphan ratio, converti
ng 4 of the 6 extensive metabolizers into phenotypic poor metabolizers. On
average, a 97-fold increase in ratio (range, 35 to 265) was observed for ex
tensive metabolizers after the administration of terbinafine. No significan
t change was observed in the metabolite ratios of poor metabolizers during
the course of the study.
Conclusions: Terbinafine inhibits CYP2D6 sufficiently to produce a discorda
nce between genotype and phenotype for the enzyme. The dextromethorphan/dex
trorphan metabolite ratios increased in all individuals, with otherwise fun
ctional CYP2D6 activity. The disposition of CYP2D6 substrates coadministere
d with terbinafine may be significantly altered in extensive metabolizers f
or this cytochrome P450 isoform, who comprise approximately 93% of the popu