The Richards equation for water movement in unsaturated soils is highl
y nonlinear and generally cannot be solved analytically. An alternativ
e is to solve the equation numerically with finite-element methods. Co
nventionally, it has been accepted that the consistent mass scheme wit
h higher-order elements is superior for solving complex nonlinear phys
ical problems. However, results from other studies indicate that a fin
ite-element model based on the consistent mass with higher-order eleme
nts would cause numerical oscillation problems. In this study, lumped
mass, consistent mass, linear elements, and quadratic/cubic elements w
ere evaluated to determine the most efficient method to solve the Rich
ards equation with finite-element models. Results demonstrated that, w
hen using consistent mass schemes or quadratic/cubic elements, the tim
e step cannot be arbitrarily reduced to achieve the convergence; the m
esh size must first be reduced in order to avoid numerical oscillation
s. In a time-dependent problem with large and complex domain, the mini
mum mesh size allowed is often unknown a priori. As a result, the intr
insic necessity of constantly adjusting the mesh size and hence rearra
nging the mesh structure is not efficient. On the other hand, in the l
umped mass scheme with linear elements, one can arbitrarily reduce the
time step at any time during the simulation to obtain a stable and co
nsistent solution without changing the mesh structure. For nonlinear a
nd time-dependent problems with large mesh domain, most of the compute
r time is used in algorithms to solve the linearized matrix equations.
Results from this study indicate that, to solve the Richards equation
, the conjugate-gradient methods are more efficient than the sky-line
decomposition method. The three preconditioning schemes investigated d
o not have any significant difference in computer memory and time requ
ired. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.