Tell different agar media were tested for the in vitro growth of Mycobacter
ium genavense in primary cultures and in subcultures from BACTEC vials. The
se agar media were based on Middlebrook 7H9, 7H10 and 7H11, and supplemente
d with additives: mycobactin I, yeast extinct, charcoal, or defibrinated sh
eep blood. Some media were acidified with phosphoric acid to a final pH of
6.2 +/- 0.2. Fourteen M. genavense strains from nude mouse organs as well a
s one decontaminated clinical specimen (from a bird) were tested. The optim
al medium for primary cultures of M. genavense was Middlebrook 7H11 acidifi
ed to pH 6.2 +/- 0.2 and supplemented with charcoal and sheep blood: on thi
s medium, all strains produced colonies within 6-12 weeks of incubation in
numbers approaching the number of bacilli inoculated. Ii was also the only
medium to support the growth of the decontaminated clinical specimen. Added
blood and charcoal appeared not as essential for subcultures as for primar
y cultures. Three media supported the growth of all strains within month in
cubation: they were acidified, and were supplemented with yeast extract or
pancreatic digest of casein, and with either blood or charcoal. (C) 1999 El
sevier Science Inc.