Angora is an autosomal recessive mouse mutation caused by a deletion o
f similar to 2 kilobases in the fibroblast growth factor 5 (Fgf5) gene
. Phenotypically, homozygous angora (Fgf5(go)/FgfS(go)) mice have exce
ssively long truncal hair and can be differentiated from heterozygous
(+/Fgf5(go)) and wild-type (+/+) littermates by 21 days of age. Abnorm
al hair length is due to a prolongation of the anagen phase of the hai
r cycle of approximately 3 days. In addition, widely scattered hair fo
llicles produce structurally defective hair shafts that twist within t
he follicle, presumably causing secondary hyperplasia of the outer roo
t sheath and epidermis adjacent to the follicle. These follicular abno
rmalities were accentuated by immunohistochemical detection of mouse s
pecific keratin 6, a nonspecific marker of epidermal hyperplasia. Thes
e abnormalities could be identified from birth throughout life in ango
ra mice genotyped by polymerase chain reaction techniques. Moreover, t
he long truncal hair phenotype was maintained in skin grafted onto C.B
-17/S-z-scid/scid mice that had normal pelage hairs and hair cycles, s
uggesting that circulating or diffusible humoral factors regulating th
e mouse hair cycle are not involved in this mutation. The angora mutat
ion provides another useful mouse model for studying the hair cycle an
d its modulation.