Background: Overweight and obesity is a prevalent and costly threat to publ
ic health. Compelling evidence links overweight and obesity with serious di
sorders such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Dietary regimen are n
otoriously burdened with poor compliance. Chitosan is promoted in the US an
d other countries as an oral remedy to reduce fat absorption and has now be
en incorporated as a major constituent into several over-the-counter remedi
es. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the clinical effectiven
ess of oral chitosan for body weight reduction.
Methods: Thirty-four overweight volunteers were included in a randomized pl
acebo-controlled double-blind trial. Subjects were assigned to receive eith
er four capsules of chitosan or indistinguishable placebo twice daily for 2
8 consecutive days. Measurements were taken at baseline, after 14 and 28 d
of treatment. Subjects maintained their normal diet and documented the type
and amount of food consumed. Adverse effects were assessed and compliance
Results: Data from 30 subjects were entered into an intention-to-treat anal
ysis. After four weeks of treatment, body mass index, serum cholesterol, tr
iglycerides, vitamin A, D, E and beta-carotene were not significantly diffe
rent in subjects receiving chitosan compared to those receiving placebo. Vi
tamin K was significantly increased after four weeks in the chitosan group
compared with placebo (P<0.05). Compliance was 91.5% and 96.0% for chitosan
and placebo groups respectively.
Conclusion: The above data suggest that chitosan in the administered dosage
, without dietary alterations, does not reduce body weight in overweight su
bjects. No serious adverse effects were reported.