The pathophysiological explanation for fatigue, one of the most common symp
toms in sarcoidosis, still has to be elucidated, It was hypothesized that t
he presence of fatigue is associated with an acute phase response in sarcoi
A cross-sectional study was performed in 38 sarcoidosis patients. Resting e
nergy expenditure (REE) nas measured in the fasting state by indirect calor
imetry using a ventilated hood and adjusted for fat-free mass (FFM).
Patients with fatigue (n=25) also suffered more frequently from other sympt
oms, such as exercise intolerance (p=0.01), the need for sleep (p=0.02) and
weight loss (p=0.01), compared to those without fatigue (n=13), However, n
o relationship,vas found between fatigue and serum angiotensin-converting e
nzyme (sACE) or lung function impairment. Patients with fatigue had higher
levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) (11.4+/-6.8 mu g.mL(-1), p<0.0001) and R
EE adjusted for FFM (33.0+/-3.7 FFM-1. p<0.003) compared to those w
ithout fatigue (3.2+/-2.2 mg.mL(-1;) 29.2+/-2.8 FFM-1). Furthermore
, REE/FFM was significantly related to CRP (r=0.54, p=0.001).
This study confirms the presence of an acute phase response as indicated bg
metabolic derangements and a moderate increase in C-reactive protein level
s in sarcoidosis, particularly in those patients with constitutional sympto
ms. Future studies should focus on the clinical relevance and therapeutic i
mplications of these findings.