A better understanding of factors influencing sun protection practices can
improve the design and evaluation of skin cancer prevention programs. These
data are from a cross-sectional survey of 756 parents with children in Gra
des 1 through 3, and 176 recreation program staff members in a multiethnic
population in Hawaii. Questionnaires asked about skin cancer prevention pra
ctices (sunscreen use, covering up, shade seeking), knowledge, benefits and
barriers, policies; and staff norms for prevention. The most important cor
relates of children's prevention practices were their parents' sun protecti
on habits. Multiple regression models-which included knowledge, beliefs, pr
ogram policies, and covariates related to sun protection-explained a total
of between 38% and 41% of the variance in children's sun safety habits, 22%
to 25% of parents' habits, and 24% of recreation staff members' sun safety
habits. The models were less successful at predicting the use of hats, shi
rts, and shade seeking and a composite sun protection habits index; Parents
and caregivers' knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors, as well as recreation p
rogram policies, are strong predictors of sun protection practices among ch
ildren in Grades 1 to 3 in a multiethnic sample.