BAGKGROUND/AIMS: The purpose of this study was to evaluate feasibility, eff
ectiveness and reproducibility of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and manageme
nt of pancreatic diseases.
METHODOLOGY: At the Second Department of Surgery of the "Regina Elena" Inst
itute for Cancer Research, between June 1995 and June 1997, possibilities o
f the laparoscopy in diagnosis and staging of pancreatic malignancies were
studied. Twenty-four consecutive cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma were ob
served: 10 patients were pre-operatively considered unresectable and 14 cas
es were submitted to a laparoscopic study. Moreover, in the period from Jan
uary 1996 to June 1997, a study on the therapeutical potentialities of lapa
roscopy was performed, attempting 5 pure or assisted laparoscopic pancreati
c resections.
RESULTS: Three cases (21.4%) out of the 14 evaluated were found to be metas
tatic (liver and peritoneum); 11 patients were successfully resected with a
n open standard procedure,Laparoscopy allowed a correct staging in all case
s, even in the 21.4% of ultrasonography (US), TC and angiographic false neg
atives. The 5 operative procedures consisted of one resect;ion of a cystade
noma, one resection of a head cyst, one Wirsung lithotomy with pancreaticoj
ejunostomy for Lithiasic chronic pancreatitis, and two body-tail splenopanc
reatectomies (1 cystadenoma and 1 adenocarcinoma). Satisfactory early resul
ts were obtained in all these cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic diagnosis and staging of pancreatic cancer is a v
aluable method which allows a very high accuracy. Pancreatic resections, ev
en if feasible, are still to be considered an experimental procedure.