A case is reported of twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence in a
triamniotic dichorionic triplet pregnancy conceived by in-vitro fertilizat
ion which was diagnosed at 25 weeks of gestation by colour Doppler sonograp
hy. It highlights the risk of monochorionicity-associated morbidity in mult
iple pregnancies obtained by assisted conception and stresses the importanc
e of chorionicity determination by early ultrasound examination. Cytogeneti
c analysis of skin from the acardius showed trisomy 2 in all cells, whereas
the karyotype in the monochorionic triplet was normal. This is an example
of heterokaryotypic monozygotism where the chromosomal abnormality must hav
e occurred during the early cleavage divisions. Aneuploidy as a possible ae
tiological factor of TRAP sequence is discussed.