POLDER is a CNES instrument on board NASDA's ADEOS polar orbiting satellite
, which was Successfully launched in August 1996, On October 30, 1996, POLD
ER entered its nominal acquisition phase and worked perfectly until ADEOS's
early end of service on June 30, 1997, POLDER is a multispectral imaging r
adiometer/polarimeter designed to collect global and repetitive observation
s of the solar radiation reflected by the earth/atmosphere system, with a w
ide field of view (2400 km) and a moderate geometric resolution (6 km), The
instrument concept is based on telecentric optics, on a rotating wheel car
rying 15 spectral filters and polarizers, and on a bidimensional charge cou
pled device (CCD) detector array. In addition to the classical measurement
and mapping characteristics of a narrow-band imaging radiometer, POLDER has
a unique ability to measure polarized reflectances using three polarizers
(for three of its eight spectral bands, 443 to 910 nm) and to observe targe
t reflectances from 13 different viewing directions during a single satelli
te pass.
One of POLDER's original features is that its in-flight radiometric calibra
tion does not rely on any on-board device. Many calibration methods using w
ell-characterized calibration targets have been developed to achieve a very
high calibration accuracy. This paper presents the various methods impleme
nted in the in-flight calibration plan and the results obtained during the
instrument calibration phase: absolute calibration over molecular scatterin
g, interband calibration over sunglint and clouds, multiangular calibration
over deserts and clouds, intercalibration with Ocean Color and Temperature
Scanner (OCTS), and water vapor channels calibration over sunglint using m
eteorological analysis. A brief description of the algorithm and of the per
formances of each method is given.