H. Sommer et Jr. Scarritt, The utility of Reuters for events analysis in area studies: The case of Zambia-Zimbabwe interactions, 1982-1993, INT INTERAC, 25(1), 1999, pp. 29-59
Principal investigators in the Global Events Data System project (GEDS) and
others have argued that Reuters Library Report is a superior global source
of events data because its coverage of the world's regions is relatively e
ven and it is easily accessible on-line for automated or semi-automated cod
ing. The question if Reuters should be coded in conjunction with regional a
nd local sources is left open. We test three expectations: Reuters yields a
greater number of events as a ell as more even reporting across COPDAB iss
ue-areas than a regional and a local source; Reuters has high face validity
; and analysis of data from Reuters, a regional, and a local source will yi
eld very different results. We perform tests of the 'concurrence' of data f
rom Reuters, Africa Research Bulletin, and the Zimbabwe Herald covering int
eractions between Zambia and Zimbabwe from January Ist 1982 to December 31s
t 1993. Interrupted ARIMA time series and OLS measures of covariation are u
sed to test whether substantive results change depending on the source(s) u
sed. Renters yields the highest number of events, but the frequency of even
ts varies greatly and so did the emphasis on different COPDAB issue-areas.
Reuters does not tend to report the same events as the regional and local s
ources; it has low face validity for selected quarters and leads to very di
fferent inferences from those based on data from all three sources. These r
esults indicate that Reuters is not a substitute for traditional newspaper
sources but an important source to use in conjunction with them.