The uranium isotopic compositions of 12 commercially available uranium chem
icals, obtained from various suppliers, were measured by high accuracy isot
ope mass spectrometry. The goal was to establish the range of isotopic comp
ositions in currently available commercial uranium chemicals, offered in di
fferent chemical forms and used for different purposes (e.g., atomic absorp
tion spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry).
The relative isotope abundances of U-234, U-235, U-236 and U-238 were deter
mined by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry with high abundance sensitivi
ty (Finnigan MAT262-RPQ-Plus), using the n(235U)ln(238U) amount ratio measu
rements of a gravimetrically prepared Isotopic Reference Material (IRMM-183
) for mass fractionation correction. All uncertainties were calculated acco
rding to the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (Int
ernational Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland), using a coverage f
actor k = 2. For n(U-235)/n(U-238) relative uncertainties of 0.2-0.3% and f
or n(U-234)/n(U-238) and n(U-236)/n(U-238) of 0.4-3.0%, depending on the re
lative amounts of the U-234 and U-236 isotopes, were achieved.
All samples were found to be depleted in U-235 by a factor of two compared
with its natural molar abundance (0.72%). The non-natural isotope 236U was
present in all samples analyzed. The range found for the molar abundances o
f U-234 is 0.0022-0.00081%, for U-235 0.35-0.21%, for U-236 0.021-0.000011%
and for U-238 99.788-99.634%.