Graft copolymerization of poly(aniline) and poly(o-toluidine) onto poly(eth
ylene terephthalate) fiber was conducted by using peroxydisulfate as a lone
initiator under nitrogen atmosphere at various experimental conditions in
aqueous hydrochloric acid medium. The grafting of poly(aniline) and poly(o-
toluidine) onto poly(ethylene terephthalate) fiber was verified by recordin
g cyclic voltammetry of the grafted fiber, conductivity measurements, and t
hermal analysis. Graft parameters-such as % grafting, % efficiency, and the
rate of grafting-were followed. Grafting was always accompanied by homopol
ymerization. The rate of homopolymerization was also followed in all experi
mental conditions. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.