There are many applications in which it is desirable to order rather than c
lassify instances. Here we consider the problem of learning how to order in
stances given feedback in the form of preference judgments, i.e., statement
s to the effect that one instance should be ranked ahead of another. We out
line a two-stage approach in which one first learns by conventional means a
binary preference function indicating whether it is advisable to rank one
instance before another. Here we consider an on-line algorithm for learning
preference functions that is based on Freund and Schapire's "Hedge" algori
thm. In the second stage, new instances are ordered so as to maximize agree
ment with the learned preference function. We show that the problem of find
ing the ordering that agrees best with a learned preference function is NP-
complete. Nevertheless, we describe simple greedy algorithms that are guara
nteed to find a good approximation. Finally, we show how metasearch can be
formulated as an ordering problem, and present experimental results on lear
ning a combination of "search experts," each of which is a domain-specific
query expansion strategy for a web search engine.