Vw. Pentreath et al., TRYPANOSOMA-BRUCEI PRODUCTS ACTIVATE COMPONENTS OF THE REACTIVE RESPONSE IN ASTROCYTES IN-VITRO, Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales, 87(5BIS), 1994, pp. 323-329
A study was made of the effects of T. b. brucei and the disrupted para
site material on different components of the reactive response of astr
ocytes in primary cultures prepared from neonatal rats and C6 glioma c
ells. The effects were compared with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and frag
ments of the Cd cells. The disrupted trypanosome material, LPS and Cd
fragments caused dose - and time - dependent alterations in morphology
of the primary cultures from flat to stellate shape, increases in lev
els of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAp) and enhanced MHC class I
and II expression. Exposure to trypanosome material and C6 fragments
caused marked increases in phagolysosomes and lysosomes in the primary
cultures. The findings demonstrate that T. b. brucei products and ast
rocyte cell debris are internalized and initiate astrogliosis in vitro